by B Sharp | May 31, 2019 | News
We met so many young people last week at our Busking Festival inspired by music. Our weekly group for 8-11 year olds – Boombox- starts back this week on Thursdays from 4.00-5.15. Build musical skills and confidence in a fun and friendly environment. Come along for a free taster session this week.
by B Sharp | May 15, 2019 | Past Events
Lyme Regis was busy this Spring Bank Holiday weekend with thousands of locals and visitors enjoying the sunshine and the sounds of B Sharp’s Busking Festival. Buskers of all ages showcased a fantastic range of talent throughout the town.
There were young bands, drummers, jazz duos, solo pianists, a ukulele orchestra, djs and singer-songwriters from the local area and across the UK, performing to enthusiastic audiences. B Sharp’s music leaders and young trainees were on hand to support all the musicians when needed, and even opened the festival with their own performance. To help with its costs of running B Sharp’s on-going music programme for young people over the whole year, buskers donated 40% of their collection to B Sharp charity. Many donated all their takings.
Kelly Osborne one of the event organisers said, “As well as the great performers, we had lots of things for visitors to join in with this year – with a ukulele workshop run by the Lyme Luggers, a recycled sounds instrument making workshop run by Plastic Free Lyme Regis, a beach hut jam, and a B Sharp pop-up choir too”
The Busking Festival took place on the Saturday in between the popular Jazz Jurassica creating an amazing weekend of music. “It is great to have young performers, some of whom have never played in public before, showcasing their talents as part of the same musical takeover of Lyme Regis as world famous musicians such as Laurence Jones and Kick Ass Brass” commented Ruth Cohen CEO of B Sharp.

B Sharp is open for young musicians to sign up now for a variety of weekly music making projects on offer and anyone interested is welcome to come along this summer term and try it out. For more information contact, or see
by B Sharp | Apr 21, 2019 | Past Events
Evolution Rocks is a concert by local young people led by B Sharp . Working with B Sharp music leaders, students from The Woodroffe School and Mrs Ethelston’s CE Primary Academy, and from B Sharp’s groups – Boombox, Hub Jams and Bridport Jams, have created original songs and tracks on the theme of evolution. Welcome to a journey through time of light, sound and music!
by B Sharp | Mar 18, 2019 | Past Events
Thanks so much to our B Sharp Young Music Leaders Elsa and Issy for taking the lead in organising such a great Youth Sounds gig at The Lyric Theatre on Saturday. Fab music from and @reub_kopec11 and Pizza for Dogs not to mention B Sharp’s own Bridport Jams and Issy and Elsa. Music performed by young people, for young people, organised and produced by young people – what B Sharp is all about!
by B Sharp | Feb 21, 2019 | Past Events
Come along and sing!
All ages welcome including children and young people.
A relaxed and friendly afternoon of songs from all genres and styles.
No Experience necessary, just come along and join in.
No pre-booking necessary.
This is a ‘Pay what you can’ event, but with a suggested donation of £5 adults, £3 children.
For more information contact:
Inspired by Beccy Owen’s Pop Up Choirs (