B Sharp work with partner organisations that support young people.
All young people should have access to music opportunities through which they can develop musically, personally and socially. We actively seek new partnerships to ensure the widest possible group of young people in our region can make music.
We are particularly interested in working with partners who support young people who are most in need including those that are disabled, experiencing poor mental health, NEET (Not In Education Employment or Training), and those that are economically or rurally disadvantaged.
Thanks to funding from Youth Music, we can currently offer free sessions to partner settings who support vulnerable young people.
Families and Communities
B Sharp offers family and community music making opportunities to bring communities together and promote wellbeing. Suitable for events and festivals activities range from family gigs, children’s workshops to intergenerational pop-up choirs. All are inclusive, informal and accessible.
If you are interested in B Sharp leading music with your community or organisation contact info@bsharp.org.uk tel: 07947334138.

B Sharp Ltd.
St Michaels' Business Centre,
Church Street,
Lyme Regis,
Dorset, DT7 3DB
07947 334138
- B Sharp is a Registered Charity. No.1149237
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